Twenty Four people lost their lives as storms tore across Tennessee in the middle of the night on March 3rd, leaving devastation in their wake.
My family slept through the majority of it. I woke up once and noticed a lot of lightening but went back to sleep. Thankfully, our immediate area didn’t have any tornadoes plow through. But they were not far from us.
Waking up the next morning and seeing the news shocked me. Tennessee is the Volunteer State and has lived up to its name. Many have shown up to help.
One thing Tennesseans have done is start a Facebook page called Found in the Storm where photos can be posted of items “found” after the twisters ripped through. The hope is the owner (or family member) will see them and collect the missing items.
It’s interesting how things found after a storm become precious when it’s all we have left. Photos once kept loose in a junk draw, are found torn and scratched in the aftermath, and become treasured keepsakes.
Maybe the page should have been named Found after the Storm. Because that’s really when lost things are found.
Most often, what we find after a destructive storm blows through is . . . God.
Especially, when it’s a storm of life like marriage problems, death of a loved one, a serious illness, or job loss. Often, a life storm hits and literally blows everything away. It’s in that place we find God. Waiting. Arms open wide. Solid as a Rock. Faithful.
His deep love – the safe place that protected us when the powerful storm blew through.
Here are seven things to remember after a storm:
1. He never left us as the storm brewed in the distance.
2. He never left us as the sirens went off warning us a dangerous storm was headed our way.
3. He didn’t hide when we took cover in basements, closets or safe places.
4. He stood firm when we cowered in fear as hail pounded the sides of houses and roofs were blown off as the powerful storm passed over.
5. With our house gone, He’s our shelter.
6. With our possessions gone, we have Him. But truthfully, He has us. We are His possession.
7. We’re not alone. We’re in a fortified, protected, safe PLACE with the One who loves us most. God has been there, waiting for us to see Him clearly.
When the wind subsides, we realize we survived the terrible storm. We see the incredible damage and wonder, how did we live through that?
Because of God.
Then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble, and he brought them out of their distress. He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed. They were glad when it grew calm, and he guided them to their desired haven. Psalm 107:28-30 (NIV)
Melinda, these are wonderful reminders of God's faithfulness no matter what is going on in our lives. Very encouraging. God bless you.
Amen Ms. Melinda. I pray that many will find an increased dependence upon God when this "storm" passes ma'am. I pray too that we the body of Christ recognize that we are not a building, but a chosen and set aside people who will be responsible for those we failed to witness to when the opportunity presented itself. Thank you so much for these important reminders ma'am. God's blessings.